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Staying in tonight? Here's something that could occupy you for days. Fimoculous has posted the mother of all "Best of 2010" lists: a collection of over 150 lists from across the web in 37 different ca ...
We've seen extremely pricey, extremely artfully crafted sex dolls. Matt McMullen's dolls are so well crafted, in fact, that it is hard to imagine a superior alternative. Until now... How about virtua ...
CNN has compiled a list of the best ten ideas presented at this year's TED conference. "TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, is a nonprofit dedicated to 'ideas worth spreading.' TE ...
Waiting for school to start? Have you been practicing reading in the meantime? Here's our most honest and effective "cheat" to help you out. We were procrastinators, too. Reading fast will save you ho ...