This article is only as accurate as the person reading it. So, if you're sitting there in 10 minutes thinking, "Hold on! I knew that already!" - then you already understand yourself pretty well.
Record different aspects of yourself
Make a list without bias or judgement - just observe.
Figure out your state of mind
Are you usually happy, sad or just going with the flow. Figuring this out will be a huge step in your self discovery .
Understand your thought process
Is your natural response to be angry, sad or confused? Recognize how you react .
Understand your motives
Do you follow certain guidelines or are you rebellious in nature?
Understand your response to stress
Perhaps you have a supportive friend or deal with things on your own .
Understand what pleases you most
Eating a cupcake or an apple? A walk in the woods or a nap? Having things or having very little?
Understand your own body
Some people are short, others are very tall. Do you compromise for certain aspects?
Understand your independence
You may have the assistance of others or you do everything for yourself.
Understand your privacy
Are you completely open, hidden or disguised ?
Understand your habits
Do you do the same thing in the same way or do you do things differently each time?
Understand your motivation
Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious? How long does it take to get something started?
Understand your ability to learn
Is it easy to memorize , comprehend and incorporate things you've learned?
Understand your approach
Do you dive in without knowledge or experience? Perhaps you take more time, understanding each aspect before moving on to another.
Understand your technique
Are you efficient and thorough? Perhaps performing one small aspect is certainly sufficient.
Understand your focus
Are you able to concentrate , easily bored or quickly scattered?
Understand your effect on others
Are you compassionate, communicating effectively or do you ignore others?
Understand your generosity
Are you selfish, feel deprived or in service to others?
Understand your effect on our planet
Do you have a car, bicycle or walk?
- If you figure out who you are and don't like it, change it.
- If you're always getting angry or are sad, then you have no idea who you are. Try and figure this out.
- Do not get too angry with yourself.
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