If you enjoy bookcrossing, but wish you could track where the book goes, this can easily be done by joining the Bookcrossing club.
Login to the BookCrossing website .
On the top left corner, select My Shelf .
Select the left selection, Register a Book .
Enter the publishing Country and ISBN of the book, as taken from the inside page.
Select Lookup Details . This will prefill the Title, Author, and Category fields.
Rate the book from 1 to 10, based on how you enjoyed it.
Write your comments and/or review. You could write a full review of the book, or just a brief note about how you came to own it, anything you think would be interesting to other people.
Click the button Register Book .
You will be given the book's BCID number . Write it on the inside cover, along with the BookCrossing website address.
- There are labels available from the BookCrossing website that you can download and print that only require you to add the BCID. They already have the BookCrossing website address, and explain the concept behind the website.
- A BCID is unique to the book. Make sure to write it in the book as this is the ID used to track this specific book.
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