The only things that will get you into a good college is persistence, a will to learn, and of course… grades. If your grades are lacking that oomph they need to impress the schools and your parents, there's a few ways to aid in improving your scores. With a little effort and focus, your next report card will sport better grades.
You Will Need
* Seat in the front
* Notebooks
* Friend, tutor, or study group
* Homework schedule (optional)
Step 1: Attend class
Attend every class and be on time.
Step 2: Understand your assignments
Understand your assignments. Make sure you know what is expected by your teacher.
Step 3: Sit in front
Sit in front of the classroom, near other students who actively participate.
Pay attention during class. Don't get distracted or daydream. Work to stay engaged.
Step 4: Complete your homework
Complete your assigned readings and work on time. Talk with your teacher if you are having difficulty with an assignment.
Designate a time every day to do homework. Stick to your schedule and make it a habit.
Step 5: Participate in discussions
Participate in class. Ask questions and engage in discussions.
Step 6: Take notes
Take notes and keep your notebooks organized. Jot down general ideas and concepts in class and then neatly rewrite your notes at home.
Step 7: Study
Study with a friend, get a tutor, or join a study group. Take an active role in getting more out of class, and your grades will reflect your efforts.
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